Thank you!!!!— OrigamiSat-1 Official (@OrigamiSat1) January 22, 2019
Thank you!!!!
Thank you!!!— OrigamiSat-1 Official (@OrigamiSat1) January 22, 2019
Thank you!!!
OrigamiSat-1、再びリセットから復帰した模様です。8:12 JSTのパスで時刻同期コマンドとFM HKデータダウンリンクコマンド送ります。コマンド通れば、エコーバックとHKデータが来るはずです。— OrigamiSat-1 Official (@OrigamiSat1) January 22, 2019
OrigamiSat-1、再びリセットから復帰した模様です。8:12 JSTのパスで時刻同期コマンドとFM HKデータダウンリンクコマンド送ります。コマンド通れば、エコーバックとHKデータが来るはずです。
At 8:12am JST, we heard clear CW but could not obtain FM downlink data. We will try again at 9:44JST.CW取れたがFMダウンリンクはできず。9:44に再トライします。— OrigamiSat-1 Official (@OrigamiSat1) January 22, 2019
At 8:12am JST, we heard clear CW but could not obtain FM downlink data. We will try again at 9:44JST.CW取れたがFMダウンリンクはできず。9:44に再トライします。
HK data we obtained so far show that satellite’s main OnBoardComputer stopped at least twice after 3-5 hours from previous reboot. This causes the stop of CW transmission until once-a-day automatic reset. We are investigating the reason of OBC occasional hangups.— OrigamiSat-1 Official (@OrigamiSat1) January 23, 2019
HK data we obtained so far show that satellite’s main OnBoardComputer stopped at least twice after 3-5 hours from previous reboot. This causes the stop of CW transmission until once-a-day automatic reset. We are investigating the reason of OBC occasional hangups.
At 9:44JST pass over Tokyo Tech, we received CW telemetry but could not receive FM response again. We suspect we have a problem on ground station settings. CWは受信できましたがFMが受信できず.地上局の問題の可能性があると考えており,夜のパスまでに解明試みます...— OrigamiSat-1 Official (@OrigamiSat1) January 23, 2019
At 9:44JST pass over Tokyo Tech, we received CW telemetry but could not receive FM response again. We suspect we have a problem on ground station settings. CWは受信できましたがFMが受信できず.地上局の問題の可能性があると考えており,夜のパスまでに解明試みます...
【運用報告】今朝のパスについて東工大ではFMの受信はできませんでした。地上局での周波数がずれていたためと見ていますしかしアマチュア無線家の方々から受信報告をいただきデコードした結果時刻同期コマンドが通っていることを確認しましたJA1GDEさん、JA6PLさん、JA0CAWさんありがとうごさいます— OrigamiSat-1 Official (@OrigamiSat1) January 23, 2019
【How to use 'OrigamiSat-1 FM Analyzer'】デコードしたいパケットを選択し、右クリックメニューから'Analyze'を選択してください。今回の場合、05~08のパケットを選択すれば'HK Data Time'が変わっていることが確認できます。— OrigamiSat-1 Official (@OrigamiSat1) January 23, 2019
【How to use 'OrigamiSat-1 FM Analyzer'】デコードしたいパケットを選択し、右クリックメニューから'Analyze'を選択してください。今回の場合、05~08のパケットを選択すれば'HK Data Time'が変わっていることが確認できます。
At 20:19JST, CW was stable. We could send commands (to require HK) and there were responses, but we were unable to decode. Next pass is at 21:54JST. We will try to download HK data again. Current objective is to understand power consumption/generation balance.— OrigamiSat-1 Official (@OrigamiSat1) January 23, 2019
At 20:19JST, CW was stable. We could send commands (to require HK) and there were responses, but we were unable to decode. Next pass is at 21:54JST. We will try to download HK data again. Current objective is to understand power consumption/generation balance.
21:54のパス、東工大局でのCW受信状況が極めて悪く、アップリンクを行いませんでした。。。— OrigamiSat-1 Official (@OrigamiSat1) January 23, 2019
Tomorrow we will try to gather HK (house keeping) data history all around the orbit. HK data today also indicated another OBC reset. We need to understand what is happening in the satellite.— OrigamiSat-1 Official (@OrigamiSat1) January 23, 2019
Tomorrow we will try to gather HK (house keeping) data history all around the orbit. HK data today also indicated another OBC reset. We need to understand what is happening in the satellite.
About 5.84GHz downlink: Although our satellite suffers from reset problem, we hope that we will start testing 5.8GHz in early next week (Jan. 28-). First we will test it only above Japan, and see whether we can do it outside Japan also. Please stay tuned!@dk3wn @JA0CAW— OrigamiSat-1 Official (@OrigamiSat1) January 23, 2019
About 5.84GHz downlink: Although our satellite suffers from reset problem, we hope that we will start testing 5.8GHz in early next week (Jan. 28-). First we will test it only above Japan, and see whether we can do it outside Japan also. Please stay tuned!@dk3wn @JA0CAW
Operation Plan & Log 01/22/2019
Operation Plan & Log 01/24/2019