本日2024/3/11から九州工業大学 超小型衛星試験センターにて振動試験を行います。1日目はまずセットアップから。
The 3U CubeSat "OrigamiSat-2" is currently under development in the Sakamoto Laboratory of the Depar...
The 3U CubeSat "OrigamiSat-2" is currently under development in the Sakamoto Laboratory of the Depar...
According to TLE, altitude of OrigamiSat-1/FO-98 (JS1YAX) dropped below 120 km at 18:48 JST on April...
About OrigamiSat-1/FO-98, Space Track's latest prediction for reentry is today, April 29, 2022. No s...
Signal heard only for a short period
These are the pickups from Twitter archive.
The downlink of the thumbnail image from the side camera that we've been working on since last week ...
Finally a photo taken by one of the side cameras (CAM3) is currently downlinked. Luckily, lighting c...
6/9 8:55JST、東工大地上局でもOrigamiSat-1/FO-98のCW復活を確認しました。 最近の軌道高度は概ね3月に予測した通りの降下率です。2022年1月頃に大気圏突入の見込みです(...
During the previous operation (Apr 9 10:54UTC), the satellite has finally responded. (i) In CW, Opti...
English report will be uploaded soon. OrigamiSat-1/FO-98は約2年間の信号停止を経験したのちに、2021年1月末から衛星との通信が復活してい...
The signal from OrigamiSat-1/FO-98 (JS1YAX) has been stopped since March 13 (Saturday). So it has be...
This is the operation schedule of this week. We will send a mode threshold voltage change command s...
We have lost the satellite signal on March 2nd till today. We believe that the signal will be back a...